
It is a cells manager. It keeps track of all cells created during the application execution. It also creates and initializes cells with JavaScript code.


A cell is a JavaScript execution context with a few utilities. Each cell is initialized by Jail using Jail.Parse method.

Cell's JS execution context is initialized with web3 (https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js) and any JS code provided to jail.Parse.

web3 is initialized with a provider which is called jeth and is constructed in Go code in jail.Parse. Thus, it defines a bridge between web3 and status-go.

jeth, as a provider, must implement send and sendAsync methods. Both of them are registered in registerHandlers function. Effectively, jeth.send calls jail.Send while jeth.sendAsync calls jail.Send as well, but in a goroutine. The result is returned via a callback.

For instance, let's take a look at what happens when one executes a synchronous call web3.eth.blockNumber:

  1. web3 translates this call to a JSON-RPC method eth_blockNumber,
  2. Provider is used to make a HTTP or IPC call: jeth.send,
  3. jail.Send is effectively called as it's in jeth.send implementation,
  4. rpc.Client.CallContext is called with a method and params,
  5. Response is returned back to the JS code.