Don’t know if it can be realated with Stuck Issue (Finished)
Timestamp: [2024-07-25T17:30:00, 2024-07-25T17:37:00]
Data: Data
Related threads:
Initial question in Nimubs:
Nimbus solution thread:
Vac p2p discussion:
Github Issue:
While investigating the issue with missing messages, we reached a point where we needed to have more information, as TRACE was not enough.
When activated the dump of pending futures, we noticed that the pending Futures were growing indefinitely. Using mplex, this was not happening.
After lots of discussions in the mentioned threads, it was found that in a specific line, Futures were being created, and it was mistakenly understood that the GC would take care of the unfinished ones, but this is not the case.
The line was changed and Futures were better handled.