This document describes approach to labeling Github issues in repositories status-react and status-go.


Issue types

bug - label for bug reports

Epic - epic issues that help to group the issues related to a high-level feature or requirement

test - issues related to creating or updating the code tests

story - user stories describe particular features of flows


high-prioritymedium-prioritylow-priority - help to prioritize issues and focus on the top priority first.


beginner - the issue that can be resolved by the new comer developers and does not require total understanding of the existing codebase and dependencies.

advanced - the issue requires expert level of understanding the existing code and its dependencies, may involve some research, and the teamwork.

intermediate - something in between the beginner and advanced :)


ios - iOS specific issuesandroid - Android specific issues


wontfix - issues that the team has considered and not going to fix in the near future.

design - issues that require approved design before starting the implementation.

The design label can be extended to design-tododesign-in-progress (or design-wip?) and design-approved to help tracking the design progress and plan the implementation and testing.

bounty - tbd