Proof by construction.

Generate CHT:

  1. Clone
  2. Run make
  3. Run full node: build/bin/geth --testnet --syncmode "full" --lightserv 90 --cache 512 console
  4. Wait until it synchronises and find log messages like:
INFO [12-11|19:45:13] CHT                                      section=67 sectionHead=9832cf2ce760d4e3a7922fbfedeaa5dce67f1772e0f729f67c806bfafdedc370 root=60d43984a1d55e93f4296f4b48bf5af350476fe48679a73263bd57d8a324c9d4
INFO [12-11|19:45:13] BloomTrie                                section=67 sectionHead=9832cf2ce760d4e3a7922fbfedeaa5dce67f1772e0f729f67c806bfafdedc370 root=fd81543dc619f6d1148e766b942c90296343c2cd0fd464946678f27f35feb59b

You'll need all values here:

Update CHT:

Currently geth can only work with hardcoded Trusted Checkpoints and the code is inside go-ethereum codebase. Following our protocol of updating go-ethereum vendored package, follow these steps:

  1. Reverse current version of CHT patch:
patch -p1 -R < geth-patches/0006-latest-cht.patch
  1. Edit geth-patches/0006-latest-cht.patch and change statusRopstenCheckpoint variable with values from above log output.
  2. Apply patch:
patch -p1 < geth-patches/0006-latest-cht.patch
  1. Run build/bin/statusd --networkid 3 les on all available networks and ensure block synchronisation starts from relatively latest numbers (see the original geth output)
  2. Commit and file a PR

How to avoid running full sync on you localhost?