This document consists of random notes about status-go refactoring so that we don't forget about them. Here they are:

  1. In many places we use switches over the three networks we support (mainnet, ropsten, rinkeby). This may be meaningful to move them into a separate interface encapsulating common operations for these networks and created by a factory.
  2. I believe transactions sending and deciding which server to use for it deserve better architecture. Let's examine if concerns are separated correctly and fix it if not.
  3. Make jail.baseJSCode always end with ; somehow. Those ugly hacks adding ; to the end are annoying.
  4. Investigate why we return 0x address in case of a missing value in RPCCall.ParseFromAddress.
  5. ExecutionPolicy should be an interface and an appropriate implementation should be set in construction time, not during execution. Hence less checks for config.UpstreamConfig.Enabled. Generally, all logic regarding RPC requests handling must be incapsulated in small components which complies to a single interface, this shouldn't be handled with if statements for different cases.
  6. preProcessRequest and postProcessRequest should be named appropriately and shouldn't be just hanging functions.
  7. Probably, it should be not StopRPCCallError which callees return but callers should instead detect an error and terminate if it's fatal or something.
  8. Revisit Jail, NodeManager and so on and determine concerns of each.
  9. Search for StatusIM under vendor/go-ethereum and fix logger dependency for Status components which must come from geth/log. Tackle it only no earlier #245
  10. StatusAPI's TxQueueManager and SendTransaction are only exposed for tests and look like either a design shortcoming or test helpers. Either way, this should be fixed after tests for C bindings are made separate from testing application logic.
  11. TxQueueManager should not know about AccountManager and NodeManager. However, it should be able to send a transaction (after receiving CompleteTransaction() call).
  12. Refactor TxQueue and TxQueueManager handlers as after moving it to status-go, their purpose is unknown.
  13. Remove common.QueuedTxID.
  14. Refactor logging, some ideas are presented in this discussion:, the main point is that NodeConfig.LogLevel seems redundant.
  15. Remove node.RPCClient.
  16. Bring NetworkId from NodeConfig together with UpstreamConfig as they are tightly coupled and this would decrease chances that they're inconsistent to one another.
  17. Refactor NodeManager's all start and stop methods. Start/Stop logic is overcomplicated with synchronisation and has bad naming.
  18. Think about creating RunningNode field in NodeManager which will eliminate a lot of unneeded checks.
  19. Rename geth/jail/jail_cell.go to geth/jail/cell.go