
Since community events are distributed independently in a P2P Waku network, the state of the community on certain nodes may differ, which is to be expected. However, we must ensure eventual consistency, meaning that all nodes should reflect the same community state if they possess the same set of events (we assume that all nodes will eventually receive all events). Furthermore, the order in which event messages are processed by a control node should not dictate the final state. We address the first concern by sorting events on the receiver side by their timestamps and applying them sequentially to the latest CommunityDescription.


We lack a mechanism that is resistant to messages being processed out of order by the control node. This is because the control node applies events immediately and rejects those that arrive later. Let's consider following scenario:

  1. AdminA accepts request to joinmsgA: e1: accept
  2. AdminA rejects request to join msgB: e1: accept e2: reject

Expected result is user being rejected from the community.

There have been a few approaches investigated.

in order (msgA,msgB) out of order(msgB,msgA) consistency
A reject accepted rejected
B reject/re-apply (as we have now) rejected accepted
C reject/re-apply + lamport timestamp per event type rejected rejected
D reject + notification accepted accepted/rejected (depending on user action) ✓/✕

Let’s deep dive into option C.

cdc: CommunityDescription clock on which events are applied

e1..en: events

e1c..enc: events’ clock