Notes on status-react bindings/API

1. Main Account creation

Exported method:

func CreateAccount(password *C.char) *C.char

Internally relies on:

// createAccount creates an internal geth account
// BIP44-compatible keys are generated: CKD#1 is stored as account key, CKD#2 stored as sub-account root
// Public key of CKD#1 is returned, with CKD#2 securely encoded into account key file (to be used for
// sub-account derivations)
func createAccount(password string) (address, pubKey, mnemonic string, err error)

Sample response:

  "Address": "0xdeadbeef..",
  "PubKey": "0xdeadbeef..",
  "Mnemonic": "stupid lazy fox jump crazy..",
  "Error": ""

2. Sub-account creation

Exported method:

func CreateChildAccount(parentAddress, password *C.char) *C.char

Internally relies on:

// createChildAccount creates sub-account for an account identified by parent address.
// CKD#2 is used as root for master accounts (when parentAddress is "").
// Otherwise (when parentAddress != ""), child is derived directly from parent.
func createChildAccount(parentAddress, password string) (address, pubKey string, err error)

Sample Response:

  "Address": "0xdeadbeef..",
  "PubKey": "0xdeadbeef..",
  "Error": ""

3. Recover account details

Exported Method:

func RecoverAccount(password, mnemonic *C.char) *C.char

Internally relies on:

// recoverAccount re-creates master key using given details.
// Once master key is re-generated, it is inserted into keystore (if not already there).
func recoverAccount(password, mnemonic string) (address, pubKey string, err error)